Hungarian House of Photography - Mai Manó House
H-1065 Budapest, Nagymező utca 20.
Mobile: +36 30 167 4034
Admission for adults: HUF 3.600
Admission for students and senior citizens: HUF 1.800
Family ticket (admission for 2 adults with 2 children under age of 18.): HUF 7.000
Free entry for children under the age of 14 years.
Adult group ticket (available for adults over 10 people): HUF 1.800/person
Student and senior citizen group ticket (available for students and senior citizens over
10 people): HUF 900/person
Additional adult ticket for the announced programme: HUF 400/person
Additional student and pensioner ticket for the advertised programme: HUF 200/person
Unscheduled tour of the House or the exhibition, in Hungarian: 30.000 HUF/group *
Unscheduled tour of the House or the exhibition, in English: 40.000 HUF/group*
Annual pass: HUF 9.900
Student and senior citizen annual pass: HUF 4.500
Complimentary ticket: HUF 3.600
Complimentary ticket for students and senior citizens: HUF 1.800
*Please note that tickets for our current exhibitions must also be purchased for guided tours requested separately! For unscheduled guided tours in Hungarian or foreign languages, please contact at least one week before the planned visit. The the registered groups must be minimum 10 and maximum 35 person.
(Attention! The discount is valid for visits to our exhibitions, for professional events the current rates apply.)
Visiting the exhibitions in the PaperLab Gallery is free of charge.
Free entrance with the proof of the following documents:
ICOM, ICOMOS (International Council of Museums)
Individual Complimentary Ticket (under registered name) issued and signed by Hungarian House of Photography
Complimentary Ticket for single admission issued by Hungarian House of Photography
Valid Budapest Card
Valid membership card of the Association of Hungarian Photographers (Be aware that this discount is available to our regular exhibitions only, while admission to special events falls under actual fares.)
Valid membership card of FFS (Studio of Young Photographers)
Valid membership card of Hungarian Society for the History of Photography (MAFOT)
Valid membership press card of journalists
Valid Pulszky Card
Free entrance with the proof of the following documents plus one accompanying person:
Valid SINOSZ card (National Association of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing)
Valid MEOSZ card (National Federation of Associations of Disabled People)
Valid MVGYOSZ membership card (National Association of the Hungarian Blind and Visually Impaired)
50% off admission with the following documents:
Valid membership card of the Studio of Young Artists' Association (SYAA)
Valid membership card of Studio of Young Designers Association (SYDA)
Tickets for the exhibition can only be purchased in person at the venue, as online ticket sales are not available.
Mai Manó House is not barrier-free.